Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 8 - The start of week 2!

It is not easy waking up every morning when you know you can't have breakfast...or even water.  But I told myself: one week down, three more to go.  So I went right to the art room to create.

Then I went to Stop and Shop, examining every product and imagining how it would taste in my mouth at that second!

 At least the weather is nice out so I can always leave the house and take a walk when the food-thoughts become too much for me.  Walking is very therapeutic for me.  I love being surrounded by nature.
 Then I went back to finish my piece.  It's very psychedelic.

 Then I got super-hungry, so I proceeded to torture myself even more by making an entire buffet for my brothers!  Waffles, pancakes, muffins, and smoked salmon ebelskivers,
The ebelskivers are filled with smoked salmon and cream cheese
The batter has lots of dill, parsley, paprika and lemon in it.  Yum!

They turned out great.
Eggs and Toast for mom...
VOILA!  A whole buffet!
Then, I was still hungry, so why not make lunch?  I made Turkey Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie.  
The ground turkey and gravy with carrots, onion and celery.

Mix in some chickpeas, peas, and spinach (whatever I had in the fridge!)

Now, for the sweet potato topping, the recipe had you mash a banana and hot sauce into it!  Interesting...I hope it's good!

Pour the gravy in the turkey, layer with sweet potato mixture and cheddar cheese (lots!).

Wow does that look good!
 These are some other pieces I created:
This was a vision board I painted which illustrates all of my dreams right now:  to tap dance, travel, have a great group of friends, be with nature, rid myself of my colostomy bag, be on stage, be in a relationship, to always be inspired, and there is one blank space for the dreams I have yet to dream...

Right now, this is the most important one - the rid myself of my stupid colostomy bag.
This is "to be forever inspired."
"Can't Distract"

I went outside again, to notice that the tulip buds are starting to appear!
I still believe, even going through this hell, that you can find happiness anywhere.

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