Monday, April 6, 2015

Savoring the holidays and satiating one more canvas...

Good Evening!

Don't worry - I didn't disappear :)

I've just been appreciating my wonderful friends and family this beautiful holiday weekend.  More posts to come this week - more pictures, writing, art...I did manage to sneak in a bit tonight:
(today was a PJ-all-day kinda day...)
Nothing like painting while wedding planning with Mom :)

"Come Water My Spirit"

The holidays are only holy if we make them so.

So I hope you all took time to enjoy your weekend, Spring, friends, families, and whatever is important to you...

(And maybe it inspires you to create...)

(Or eat a ton of fun holiday grub)
Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.3Brad Henry
Once our holidays festivities were done, we spent the night on the couch, cuddling our puppies, eating the last of the homemade charoset and matzoh, and watching a documentary on Stephen Sondheim...

Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family.8Mother TheresaSee you tomorrow everyone :)


  1. I'm back again! And you again, with the joy and the art :) Still loving it! I used to teach art in public schools---have you ever considered doing that? Now I do private art lessons for kids---what about that? I have no idea what you do currently since I just started reading recently. But I bet kids love you!

  2. Found you through A to Z. I'm #793. What a fun blog, and such an inspirational story. The art of images conveys what words never will be able to.

  3. thank you so much! i love that me just messing around in my studio (literally) can actually translate for fun stuff for you all to look at - makes me so happy to bring enjoyment to others - have a wonderful night!

  4. I love the art. I would love to be an art teacher.

    Boba + Pearls

  5. Amy, you put yourself on the page so well. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Love when artists are brave enough to share their creations! I am not always that way!

  7. Love this!! <3
    Amanda |

  8. Pajamas-all-day days are the BEST! I love your work!
    xo, Caitlin
    And Possibly Dinosaurs
