Okay, so for the second day we were snowed in. Thankfully I got a huge set of new puff paints!!!
Remember how I completely ruined the painted background I made the other day? Well, I painted over it in an effort to save it.

I added in a tree reaching to the moon, and added a cow jumping over it. Quite whimsical.
I was trying to think of some words to tie it all together, and I noticed that the big tree seemed to be hoisting the little tree up to reach up to the stars.
Hence the title, "together we can reach stars" - I am pretty happy with how it turned out.
Now, this other background I created - I really didn't like the acrylics I added onto it. So it was nothing a little felt and fabric can't fix apparently!
I gave the painting some added texture by adding figures and different fabrics - brings it to life much more than just straight acrylic painting.
Just a little puff-painting to highlight it and then I'm done!
My next project idea: making 9 little canvas paper cards to fit in this lovely frame - I'm thinking of maing collages of the nine symbols that appear most often in my work: a girl dancing, bird, cow, tree, fire, teardrops, breaking hearts, flower, lightning - yup, that's nine!
My mom and I were especially bored on this snow day, so I created a little activity - I gave us each a set of the same materials, and we had to create a piece using all of the materials.
Interestingly enough, we created similar themes on the same materials! I themed my painting around PINK, her's was around RED.
Thankfully, I shopped for ingredients two days at a time - there was no getting out with all of that snow! I made delicious stuffed chicken with sundried tomatoes and artichokes.
Click Here For The Recipe!
I made a quiche that was low-fat for my family by using buttermilk instead of cream - who knew?
And some wild rice I sort of improvised on - this was kitchen sink rice - cranberries, almonds, cinnamon, allspice, dil, parsley, paprika, bell peppers, white onion, garlic, celery, red onion, carrots, orange zest...it turned out great!
Let's see a cross-section of that yummy chicken!
Sometimes it's nice being trapped with the family on a snow day...sometimes!